Peer Review Process

Manuscripts which are not written with following rules are not evaluated. If a manuscript is in accord with the publishing policies, it is given a number and sent to at least two reviewers. After the manuscript is finalized, Editorial board may make the final corrections with Authors’ permission. However, if there is a minor correction that wouldn’t change the essence of the article, editorial board may make the corrections without obtaining permission. Unless specified otherwise, all correspondences are done with the first author.

Before proceeding to the evaluation phase, the manuscripts are checked whether they are written in accordance with the guidelines. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication principles and guidelines are sent back to the author for correction and the revisions must be made by the author within 30 days at the latest.

Manuscripts that comply with the publication principles and the guidelines are submitted to at least two referees determined by the editorial board for evaluation. If two referees give different opinions, a third referee’s opinion is taken.

Reviewers evaluate the manuscript by considering the "Manuscript Evaluation Form". The forms filled by the reviewers are submitted to the authors. If the referees anticipate a correction, the manuscript is sent back to the author to make the necessary corrections. The revisions are made by the authors within 30 days at the latest and the revised manuscript is sent to the journal. The edited manuscript is re-evaluated by the referees. Articles receiving the positive opinion of the two referees can be accepted with the decision of the editorial board, while the articles with negative opinions by the two referees are rejected.

Manuscripts with the positive opinions of at least two referees and accepted by the editorial board are included in the publication portfolio and published on the website in the order determined by the Editorial Board. Even if the referees have a positive opinion, publication of the manuscripts depends on the decision of the editorial board.

All clinical research articles should list the name of the institution where the research is conducted and should clearly show that research is being approved by the ethical committee.

The corresponding author of the article which was accepted for publication, is required to complete and provide with wet signature a conflict of interest form and copyright form, which is available at Only after these forms (copyrights transfer and conflict of interest forms) are received by Nobel Medicus, articles could be published.

If it is possible, these forms should be signed by all authors and sent via post or cargo to “Dr. Timur Koloğlu, Saray Mah. Dr. Adnan Büyükdeniz Cad. No:14 Ümraniye 34768 İstanbul”. Copyright transfer form and conflict of interest form unsent articles will not be published.