Nobel Medicus is an independent publication related to scientific research, and its editorial policy is determined by the editor. This declaration contains the ethical behavior of the owner, editor, referees and authors of the journal. The ethical statement of Nobel Medicus is based on the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and these sources can be found in
1. Responsibilities of the Prerogative Powers of the Journal:
1.1. Editorial Independence
Nobel Medicus provides the independence of editorial decisions without the influence of people or commercial partners.
1.2. Intellectual Property and Copyright
Nobel Medicus protects the property and copyrights of the articles published in the journal and provides a record of the published version of each article. Nobel Medicus maintains the integrity and transparency of every published article.
1.3. Scientific Abuse
Nobel Medicus always takes precaution to plagiarism.
2. Responsibilities of Editor:
2.1. Publication and Responsibility Decision
The editor of Nobel Medicus maintains the order in the journal and efforts fulfill the needs of readers and authors. The editor is also responsible for deciding which of the documents submitted to the journal will be published and which policies are subject to legal requirements. The editor may negotiate with the referees during the review process. The editor is responsible for the content and publication quality in general. The editor must provide a fair and appropriate review process.
2.2. Neutrality
Articles submitted to the journal must be evaluated without any bias.
2.3. Privacy
Any information about an article sent to the journal should not be revealed to anyone but the editorial board, referees and owner of the journal.
2.4. Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure
The editor of Nobel Medicus does not allow any conflicts of interest between authors, reviewers, and editors. Unpublished materials in an article submitted to the journal should not be used by anyone without the written permission of the author.
3. Responsibilities of Referees:
3.1. Evaluation
Referees evaluate the works without regards to their origin, gender, sexual orientation or political philosophy. The referees also provide a impartial blind review process for the evaluation of the articles sent to the journal.
3.2. Confidentiality
All submitted information to the journal is kept confidential. Referees should not negotiate with others, but the people authorized by the editor.
3.3. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
There should be no conflict of interests between referees and authors, funders, editors.
3.4. Support for Editor
Referees assist editors during the decision process and also, theycan assist authors in improving texts.
3.5. Neutrality
An objective decision assessment must be made by referees. The referees express their views explicitly, with appropriate supporting arguments.
3.6. Reference of the Resources
The referees must inform the editor about the similarities between the articles sent.
4. Responsibilities of the Authors:
4.1. Reporting Standards
Each article sent to the journal must be original and the authors will be responsible of them for not being published in any journal before. The data of the research should be specified in full in the article. The article sent to the journal should include enough details and references to enable others to work.
4.2. Originality
The authors who want to send their works to the journal, they must ensure their works are completely original and sentences quoted appropriately.
4.3. Publication in Multiple Places
Authors should not submit the published work for publication. Submitting the same study to more than one journal carves out an unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
4.4. Reference of Sources
Appropriate references should be provided regarding the work of others. Authors should give reference to publications that have been effective in determining their work. All resources used in the work should be specified.
4.5. Author of an Article
Authors should be limited to those who contribute significantly to the work. If there are others involved in the research process, they should be listed as contributors. There should also be a writer responsible for the contact with the editor of the journal. This author should ensure that all co-authors are included in the article.
4.6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All resources related to financial support should be disclosed. All authors should reveal conflicts of interest involved in the process of writing their work.
4.7. Basic Errors in Published Studies
The authors notice a remarkable mistake in their work when they find it, they must immediately inform the journal. The authors have the responsibility to work with the editor to adjust their works.